
Axon Ivy AG
Thanks to our close collaboration with our partner Axon Ivy, we entered the world of process automation in 2010. Since then, we have jointly implemented many inspiring projects. Our long-term efforts focus on the digitalization of business processes and integration with customers’ information systems. Through this partnership, our developers participate in projects for large international companies in sectors such as energy, finance, pharmaceuticals, chemical industry, and waste management. In our activities, we utilize the Axon.Ivy platform, which is based on workflow and process automation.

E.ON Czech Republic
Since 2020, we have been developing exciting workflow projects for our client, E.ON Czech Republic, a leading energy provider. Our work focuses on digitalizing internal processes using the Axon.Ivy business process management tool. As part of process digitalization, we focus on areas such as accounting processes and, during implementation, on interfaces with the ERP system SAP and other systems through web services.

Since 2023, we have been collaborating with Ricoh CZ, a member of the prominent international RICOH group originating from Japan. Our partnership focuses on expanding and implementing the DocuWare DMS system and digitalizing business processes using the Axon.Ivy tool in combination with electronic signatures and certificates, for example. Together, we work to find the most suitable solutions for end customers’ individual processes.

targenio GmbH
We have been collaborating with targenio GmbH since 2011, when we began jointly developing and implementing the targenio product. For more than 20 years, targenio GmbH has been digitalizing complex business processes and maximizing automation for global companies in the automotive, logistics, aviation, tourism, and financial services industries. We specialize in digitalization, flexible collaboration, and communication between manufacturers, customers, suppliers, and service providers within the supply chain.

Geberit Vertriebs Gmb
For the multinational company Geberit, which operates 26 manufacturing plants in the field of sanitary technology, we deliver the VitalPortal solution for managing and administering health management services for the company’s employees. This solution supports the planning, publication, and evaluation of measures to improve employees’ fitness and health. The solution operates within the internal network, is integrated with LDAP, and is widely used by external providers of health management services and measures.

Zürich Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Zürich Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft in Austria is part of the international Zurich Insurance Group AG. In Austria, it is a leader in the insurance industry. For the company and its 8 branches, we provide the VitalPortal solution for managing and administering health management services for the company’s employees. Each branch has a slightly customized version of the solution to meet the specific needs of the individual branches in different parts of Austria.