UBK #LANparty💥

Published: 23. 1. 2020

❗️#UBKgeeks, waits for us further common action❗️Ou first UBK #LANparty💥 🎮🚀 The company will be lit only by screens, nobody will have a clue, neither what time it is, nor what day (or year) it is. Multiplayer is impersonal, single player is boring. What with it? Let´s go party. 🎮 THE COUNTER-STRIKE BATTLE WILL BE ABOUT THE CHALLENGE CUP! #gaming #community

We will all just concentrate on the game and make sure that the keyboard is not messed up from salsa to tortilla chips. UBK #LANpartyHARD ✔️ Support of #UBKgirls… #hotdog, #beer and other goodies 🌭🍺✔️ relaxation area with a projector, where we will watch #LIVE the fight 💯 ✔️ shisha lounge #watering #waitandsee 🔝✔️ Accommodation in the #UBKoffice

#shishalounge #relaxzone #beer #hotdog #live #battle #counterstrike #UBKgirls #UBkmen #plzen #czechrepublic #teams #colleagues #developers