🎉 UBK celebrates 15 years of successful operation!

Published: 24. 7. 2019

🎉  Did you know that… UBK celebrates 15 years of successful operation? 

🎉  Do you know that… It’s time to celebrate ?! 🤩 

🎉  Do you know that… An interesting program is waiting for us? 

🎉  Do you know that … We have a lot of fun with children from the children’s home DOMINO 🎲

 ⏰ WHEN: October 17, 2019 at 1 pm

📍 WHERE: UBK & KartArena Plzeň premises

❓ WHAT: You can look forward to a very recent lecture by an ex-journalist from Pilsen who went to Černobyl with his camera in June 2019 to document everything and tell us about it. About radiation ☢️, the place of ghosts ☠️, old people 🧑 and tourists 🎒, (un)contaminated food and also about the fact that the hotel will lock you in the evening and will not let you go…. with Milan Říský at 13:00 – 14: 30/15: 00. Meanwhile, a popular music band Maxíci will be preparing for a concert dedicated to us only at KartAréna! Certainly we will not miss out on the famous hits such as Mašinka 🚂, Beruško lend me one dot 🐞 or maybe Graduated engineers 👷‍♂️👷‍♀️.

❤️ Children from Domino Children’s Home in Plzeň, which we support for a long time, will spend the evening with us . If you will bring your honey to our event, it will be a great celebration! 😍

 PS: Great food and drinks will be there! 🍇🍡🍗🍢🍖

#wecelebrate #15 #years #manymoreyearsforus #UBKgirls #UBKmen #UBKstories #thankyou #itsgonnabegreat #lookforwardtoit #anniversary