Special breakfast with ExpediceZ101
For some time now, we have been regularly attending networking breakfasts 🥐☕ at Pilsen Business Network. Project Expedice Z101 we have been familiar with for a while too and they are among our clients. Yesterday’s networking breakfast was a combination of these two projects and it was an amazing ride🤩! The organisation and moderation of the breakfast by the proven duo, Jana Havlíčková and our Kamil Pošvic, was faultless👌. The stories about the traveled countries of Africa🌍, the situation there, beautiful photos and video documentaries, were breath-taking😮.
We really enjoyed this adventurous breakfast! Thank you for letting us be part of your worlds, Pilsen Business Network and Expedition Z101.
#WeloveIT❤️ #UBKstories #collaboration #networking #adventure #followingZikmundandHavelka #expeditioninAfrica