Interview with Jáchym on seamless communication, fresh strawberries, corporate culture and management’s approach to developers…

- How did you hear about UBK and how did you get there?
My friend and current team leader Kamil Pešek worked at UBK. And when he found out that I was interested in a job in programming, he offered me a job at UBK and arranged a meeting. Then it happened quickly. Mr. Tomášek and I agreed immediately and in a few days I had my premiere at UBK.
- What do you do at UBK?
I am part of the PHP team where we focus on web application development from both backend and frontend view. So my work is diverse. I deal with PHP programming, styling, coding, as well as design itself or speed optimization of the resulting website. Last year I mainly concentrated on the WordPress content management system, where almost anyone can create a website, but the quality and design is pathetic. At UBK we try to make WordPress websites “decent” and tailored to the client.
- How do you explain your daily workload to your grandmother?
That wouldn’t do much good, so I have to get along with the universal: “I do something on the computer.”
- Who are you on the team with?
Recently our team has grown quite a bit, so too many lines would be necessary to list all the colleagues here. There are already 10 of us, including part-time members.
- What do you think are the three best things about UBK?
First, I would give reasonable deadlines for the completion of projects. It may seem trivial, but in many companies they push for the shortest possible delivery date, and the programmers then catch up and are under pressure. At UBK, management tries to take account of programmers and their time constraints as much as possible. So it doesn’t happen that I have to sit at work until midnight or work on weekends.Another big plus is the opportunity to improve your qualifications. It is no problem to go to the boss that I want to train or spend time learning / testing new technologies or procedures.Thirdly, I would like to mention the company culture and a friendly team. Various teambuilding activities are organized, new benefits are invented or a delivery of fresh strawberries or other fruits appears at my table from nowhere.
- What do you enjoy most about your job?
One is happy when he successfully completes the project and sees some concrete results behind him. Likewise, when he successfully completes a task or learns something new. At UBK, I enjoy the diversity of my work. I am always doing something different, whether it is a project or a technology. Sometimes it is too much at once, but I definitely can’t complain about the stereotype.
- What working hours suit you?
Flexible working hours are tricky, I prefer the exact regime and the afternoon off instead of long sleep. So I come between the first ones before 7 and go home at 3 already.
- Who is your boss and how do you solve problems with him?
My direct superior is the team leader Kamil Pešek, and within the projects I solve many things directly with Mr. Tomášek. Communication is seamless, we solve everything in the form of discussions and always try to find the best possible solution for both us and the customer.
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