🥋 Be careful, we do kung fu, vol. 2

Published: 7. 8. 2019

🙋‍♂️ #thanks to our Sifu David Šejn from @Hung Kuen Kung Fu Family Lam – Pilsen for a great experience 🤩 and we are looking forward to the next lesson in 14 days. In addition to fighting with a knife 🔪 we will also learn about handcuffs 🔗, sword ⚔️ and other weapons 🎮.

❗️ KUNG FU SELF-DEFENCE as a corporate BENEFIT! 🥋

#wetryhard #hungkuenplzen #UBKfit #UBKgirls #UBKmen #kungfu #baoquanli #nopainnogain #kungfuontheroof