#UBKgeeksonthego is our corporate travel “board” where we share with colleagues all the places #UBK has visited. So far, we have been to Croatia, the Italian Dolomites, in Šumava, rode ...
After work fun. That’s how we spent the last week of holidays playing paintball. And it was indeed a bullseye. Well thought out and chosen strategies, maximum effort and performance, ...
In addition to #WeloveIT, we also love traveling. The proof is a greeting from our colleague Marek, who, even when conquering peaks in the Italian Dolomites, did not forget his ...
Our Functioning New T-shirts Can Take It
On hot summer days, we all get quite sweaty. Sometimes we even sweat over complex tasks from our customers. But we have great new stylish company functional T-shirts, which we ...
Proud cooperation
#Proudcooperation ! Brewery Elektrárna is one of our amazing customers. And what did they have to say about us? “UBK was a great choice for us. They created a website ...
Meeting with Axon partner
We have been successfully pulling together with the Axon customer since 2011. Together with colleagues from the Gryphon project, we spent two great days during which we managed to have ...
Traditional summer barbecue
… a great opportunity to enjoy a beautiful afternoon full of good food with our #UBKgeeks and their families. We really enjoyed the barbecue this year, also thanks to the ...
The first annual charity tournament of companies in Pilsen was successful!
We are proud to have been able to participate in the charity tournament of companies in Pilsen. A beautiful 65,000 Czech crowns (~$2500) was collected for the Bone Marrow Transplantation ...
Charity Floorball Tournament
Yesterday was marked by a charitable floorball tournament to support bone marrow transplantation. Thank you to our #UBKgeeks for your effort! #weloveIT ❤️
Office Yoga with Instructor Jana
Every 14 days, our instructor Jana comes in for office yoga, helping us relax and recharge. These sessions have been going on for several years and are available to all ...
LANparty vol. 5
One of the most beloved events of our #UBKgeeks. #weloveIT ❤️
IT Companies Table Football Tournament, Round 2
After a successful participation in the first round, we’re heading into the second round with three teams – FeKulda, Jáma, and the Putty Crashers. Thank you, dear #UBKgeeks, for your ...