Today we give our #UBKgeeks peaches and NERO drinks #WeSupportHeroes
This opens the cooperation with the company NERO. NERO Drinks become part of the new UBK SMART FRIDGE. With the purchase of the NERO Drink we contribute to the support ...
#easyCOMPLAINT is a cloud claims management system
Your business is running smoothly… if only the complaints process were simpler? We have the ideal solution for you, which you do not have to buy immediately, just rent! #easyCOMPLAINT is ...
There are various part-time jobs…
With the summer, the often associated word brigade in #UBK takes on a whole new dimension. Our PHP developer Tomáš teaches part-time employees in #UBKoffice how to develop their own ...
An interview with teamleader Karel Taušer about his life goals, the experiences…
What were your beginnings in UBK and since when do we date them? I have been with UBK from the very beginning, first for UBK GmbH and in 2004 we ...
How can you easily control your business?
With our application #easyTEST you have an overview of how your website, e-shop or web app works. It is a simple tool for automatic tests that makes your life easier ...
Do you have a great business plan or idea that you want to get started as soon as possible?
Sell your goods from day to day with #easySHOP! You will not stand alone in selling, #easySHOP offers connections to Heureka, Google, stock market etc. 🛒 You can easily and intuitively ...
e-commerce threesome developer by #UBKgeeks!
#easySHOP – #easyTEST – #easyCOMPLAINT This is everything you need to make your internet business work! In only 48 hours you can have a fully functional e-shop thanks to our ...
The retaliation was enormous and caused a lot of excitement on Friday morning!
What can David & Filip & Stepan and 240 metres of aluminium foil achieve? 👇 👇👇 #revenge #aluminiumfoil #office #morning #friday #UBKgirls #tereza #marta #UBKgeeks #david #filip #stepan #UBKstories #fun #fun #joke ...
#justhavingfun… We packed David’s bike for the trip!
#motorbike #suzuki #travelpack #slide #adhesivetape #UBKgirls #tereza #marta #UBKgeeks #david #UBKstories #fun #fun #joke #joke #prank #afternoon #office #company #summer
We are pleased about the new cooperation with the company Fineship s.r.o.
Our #UBKgeeks have just started to develop a LOGISTICS PROCESSING PORTAL #weloveit Fineship helps with everything that has to do with transport, from envelopes to containers, from express delivery by ...
Vláďa’s recipe for a relaxed atmosphere are sweet white Haribo mice and open communication
How many people do you have on your team? Ondra and I are still working on fine-tuning our collaboration in the Planeo. I am currently in two teams. Easy and ...
#UBKfamily has grown again yesterday
Our administrator Láďa, the team leader of the IT team, is the proud father of little Davídek since yesterday. #congratulations and we wish the whole family good health and a ...