<WE LOVE Software >

BarCamp 2.0

In Pilsen, in the beautiful spaces of FAV ZČU, the another year of the BarCamp 2.0 event will take place on April 12, 2025💡 UBK s. r. o. will be ...
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Educational panel for ZŠ Plasy

We can finally say what’s coming up! And we’re super excited about it 🤩. At yesterday’s lecture by Expedition Z101, which follows in the footsteps 👣 of legendary Czech travelers ...
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We set up the LAN(o)📿🖥…

…and our #UBKgeeks got hooked 🙂 The current temperatures🥶 and weather 🌨 still make it much more enjoyable to spend time somewhere warm. So, we took advantage of the situation ...
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